Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions of Use (“the Terms and Conditions”) are binding on all persons and/or companies that access the website located at www.laborsync.com (“the Website”) without qualifications or exemptions. By entering the Website, the user of this Website (“the User”) agrees to be bound by and shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions, which the User acknowledges to have read and understood.

The Website may contain links to other websites. These links may also be from Google Ads, other advertising networks, affiliates or independent sponsored advertisers. Labor Sync includes these links solely as a convenience to you, and the presence of such a link does not imply a responsibility for the linked site or an endorsement of the linked site, its operator, or its contents (exceptions may apply). Labor Sync has no control over such websites, does not review their content or accuracy. The User Accesses such websites at the User’s own risk and discretion.

The Website is owned by Labor Sync, LLC (“Labor Sync”) and the User acknowledges that Labor Sync or its licensors are the proprietors of all intellectual property subsisting in, pertaining to or used on the Website including, without limitation, patents, inventions, copyright, trademarks, goodwill and trade secrets. Labor Sync reserves the exclusive right to make any changes to the Website, its content and/or services offered through the Website at any time and without notice.

The User hereby indemnifies Labor Sync and holds it harmless against any and all liability, loss, damage, penalty, cost or claim of whatsoever nature suffered by the User or any third party in relation to any act or omission by the Users or the User’s members, employees, representatives, agents or assigns or any third party in relation to the Website and the use thereof by the User, and/or arising from the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

The User assumes all responsibility and risk for the use of the Website, and Labor Sync disclaims all liability for any loss, injury, damage, cost, penalty or claim resulting from the use of the Website, whether direct or indirect, including but not limited to compensation, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damage, and loss of profits or revenue, and whether or not Labor Sync has been advised of or has knowledge of the possibility of such loss, injury, damage, cost, penalty or claim resulting from the use of the Website, whether direct or indirect, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Terms and Conditions.

After any applicable trial period is over you will be asked to provide billing information in order to continue use of the service. You may choose to not continue use and not be charged for use during a trial period. If you choose to continue using the service you must provide proper billing information.

Pricing is based on a minimum of one employee per billing cycle. Any additional employees using the service throughout the course of a billing cycle will be added to the monthly charge at a cost of $10.00/employee. Each monthly charge is determined by the number of employees who's time is recorded using the system for the previous billing cycle.

When choosing to use our credit card payment option, Labor Sync will automatically debit your account each month for the number of employees who’s time is recorded for the previous billing cycle. Issues with credit card transactions will result in immediate suspension of your account. All data will be deleted in 60 days if credit card information is not timely updated.

When choosing our invoicing option, Labor Sync will send an invoice for payment each month based on your number of employees who's time was recorded for the previous billing cycle. All payments are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice. Any payments not received within 10 business days shall bear a late charge of 1.5% per month. If Labor Sync undertakes collection or enforcement efforts, you shall be liable for all costs thereof, including attorney fees. If you are in arrears on any invoice, Labor Sync may, without notice, suspend service until the account is brought current.

You may choose to stop using Labor Sync at anytime and your account will only be charged the full amount for the last full or partial billing cycle of use. There will be no termination fee or any other penalty for terminating your account. If, at a later date, you choose to resume using Labor Sync, you will not receive a free trial period.

Non-payment for a period 30 days after billing will result in immediate termination of the account without further written notice. All data for the account will be deleted.

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey. Any dispute arising hereunder must be brought in the state or federal court serving Bergen County, New Jersey.

Your use of this site constitutes acceptance of the above terms and conditions.

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