Automatic Clock-Out

Automatic Clock-Out allows you to limit employees' work day, or time from a Clock In to Clock Out, to a set amount of time to prevent abuse or overages. The limit counter is reset when the employee clocks out. You can choose to limit based on job, device, or even individual employees. In order to enable these settings, a user must have permission to change account settings. To view or change your account settings, click on account next to your name at the top of the page.

Employee Time Limit

Once an employee has been clocked in for the entered amount of hours and minutes, the system will automatically clock that employee out. Selecting "Notify Employee" will display the message you set under Employee Notification on the employee's device when they attempt another action. You can disable Automatic Clock Out for all employees by unchecking Enabled.

Clock Out Priority

Automatic Clock Out settings can be set for individual employees, as well as jobs and devices. Each automatic clock out setting can have its own time setting associated with it. You can prioritize which setting takes precedence. Each criterion must be enabled, configured, and prioritized or it will be ignored. If a criterion applies to an employee, all lower priority criteria will be ignored.

  • Account wide automatic clock out applies to every employee on the job. Any employee who is clocked in will be clocked out after the set amount of time. This is set under the Account Settings page.
  • Employee automatic clock out is on an individual employee basis. This is set for each employee under the employee settings. A user must have permission to change employee settings in order to configure and enable this setting.
  • Job specific automatic clock out sets a maximum amount of time an employee can work for that job. If the employee works more than this amount of time they will be clocked out. Once an employee performs an action on another job, this counter is reset. This is set for each job under the job settings. A user must have permission to change job settings in order to configure and enable this setting.
  • Device specific automatic clock out sets a maximum amount of time an employee can work using that device. If the employee works more than this amount of time they will be clocked out. Once an employee performs an action on another device, this counter is reset. This is set for each device under the device settings. A user must have permission to change device settings in order to configure and enable this setting.

Employee Notification

The text entered here is displayed on the device when an employee attempts to perform an action after being clocked out. This notification can be enabled or disabled at the top of the page.

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